29 februari tot en met 18 april, 2020 RR:Present is a series of three presentations. The project is a collaboration of NP3 and teachers and first-year students PAINting and MADtech from the Frank Mohr Institute (FMI) in which they investigate various ways to (re)present artworks. This research includes questions such as: what happens to my […]
NP3 and Minerva Art Academy announce the winners of the RE:Discovery Open Call Irene Berdine de Boer and Mina Kim. The artistic program RE:Discovery is designed for alumni of the Frank Mohr Institute (FMI) 2016 – 2019, part of Minerva Art Academy (Hanze UAS). Artists who participate in the artistic program RE:Discovery have a unique […]
I want a baby
A new work by Marcelo Agustin Martinez eMMa, Rem Koolhaas Videobusstop, Emmaplein, Groningen 24/7/365 From March 3, new work by Marcelo Agustin Martinez: I want a baby. Digital video. 2020. All images in this video have been imagined and generated by a computer. Algorithmic-generated images through artificial intelligence (AI) processes (Generative Adversarial Networks). Groningen, The Netherlands.
Bart NijstadEirik JahnsenOpening: Thursday February 27, 19.00 – 22.00 hrs, with music by DJ Jannes Heidinga.Exhibition: February 26 – 29, 2020Open: 12.00 – 17.00 hrs. RE:Search:GalleryHofstraat 21Groningen From January 16th artists Bart Nijstad and Eirik Jahnsen worked in the Central space of the RE:Search:Gallery. They created new work in the traces of the past year. […]
RE:Instate November 30
RE:Search:Gallery – RE:Instate Performance by Dragan GlamočićSaturday November 30 from 15 – 17 hrsDragan closes the ‘RE:Compose’ exhibition by showing his love for the white cube.
Saturday 16th of November18:00-23:00 Three performances connected through a common thread: the topic of response. A number of guest artists will be showing their works among the context of RE:Compose, the current exhibition at RE:Search:Gallery. Discussed theme include relationships with the audience, reacting to space, sourcing as a medium and performers reacting to each other. […]
RE:Search:Gallery – RE:ComposeExhibition: September 21 – November 30, 2019 Opening: Friday, September 20, 17.00 h. Dragan Glamočić During the last two months Dragan worked in the DISplay and used the space as an art-laboratory. By-passers could follow 24/7 his unpredictable and unique way of working, always with surprising outcome. He also explored the central space […]
1945-1998 / Isao Hashimoto
7-13 September 2019 @ eMMa 1945-1998 is part of After Hiroshima “2053” – This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe. The first nuclear test was conducted in July 1945 in the desert of New Mexico, USA. Soon after that, the atomic bombs were consecutively dropped on Hiroshima and […]
English belowNP3 EN GRONINGER MUSEUM MAKEN KANDIDATEN YOUNG GRUNN ARTIST III BEKEND Na een spannende eerste selectieronde kozen NP3 en het Groninger Museum uit de meer dan 45 inzendingen de drie nieuwe kandidaten voorhet YGA III traject. Jurjen Galema, Susanna Inglada en Marit Westerhuis starten in september 2019 met het eenjarige talentontwikkelingstrajecten maken daarmee kans op een grote […]
MRAM will be on show non-stop from July 6 – October 6, 2019 @ eMMa, Rem Koolhaas Videobusstop at the Emmaplein GroningenAfter a three month research period in the RE:Search:Gallery Smit && Andersson will present the final bookScience Friction :: The After. // Inauguration of Smit && Andersson’s mixed media work: MRAM , built on materials collected […]