RE:Search:Gallery – Federico Murgia – Waveline FS (free standing)
The first presentation in the collaborative project Artistic Dialogue, from the research group Image in Context, NP3 and the Frank Mohr Institute.
26 januari tot en met 16 maart 2019
DISplay (window exhibition) – in operation 06.00 – 09.00 +17.00 – 20.00 + 22.00 – 01.00
Waveline FS is an installation in which Federico combines light and movement that results in an optical illusion. The stroboscopic light reflecting on a white string that quickly spins, creates a moving spiral. And at the same time a perception of stillness and depth, creating a surreal architectural environment.
Part of the research project Artistic Dialogue, a collaboration
of NP3, Frank Mohr Institute and the research group Image in Context

Icon created by Federico Panzano from Noun Project.
Animation by NP3