Cut-up Indeterminate Anthem (2018-ongoing) is a new musical performative installation by LIBIA CASTRO AND ÓLAFUR ÓLAFSSON
OPEN CALL for artistst and musicians
for 2-days workshop and musical performance event
Workshop: March 13 & 14 (Wednesday and Thursday)
Public performance: March 14, 19.30 hrs.
Location: RE:Search:Gallery, Hofstraat 21 Groningen
The installation is composed of cut-up scores of national anthems. The scores are mixed up and rearranged by chance, creating a new sculptural, musical and choreographical devise; a score-mobile.
The installation grows continuously by adding new mobiles made from cut-ups of new national anthems related to the new performers, participants and working staff of the hosting exhibition space.
Libia Castro (ES) and Ólafur Ólafsson (IS) are based in Rotterdam and Berlin and started their collaboration in The Netherlands in 1997 during their MA studies at FMI in Groningen.
Their work is collaborative, socio-politicly engaged and interdisciplinary.
If you want to help Cut-up Indeterminate Anthem growing, you are invited to JOIN preparing for the installation and in performing. You can register at