TUESDAY FEBRUARY 26, 17.00 – 19.00 hrs
Louwrien Wijers in an open conversation with Andrea Stultiens
It is easy to argue that ‘Artistic Dialogues’ hold an important place in Louwrien Wijers’ (1941) practice as an artist, writer and residency host. She worked with and interviewed Joseph Beuys, which led to a sheer unbelievable chain interview with Andy Warhol and the Dalai Lama. Later she organized a series of conversations titled ‘Art meets Science and Spirituality in a changing Economy’ at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam which brought together scientists, economists, thinkers, and artists with guests such as (again) Robert Rauschenberg, John Cage, J.C.J. Vanderheyden, Mother Tessa Bielecki, Lawrence Weiner, Marina Abramovic and (again) the Dalai Lama. In 1992, she published a collection of her interviews under the title ‘Writing as Sculpture’. Today we take a step back and reflect on the role of conversations and interviews in her practice and beyond.
Please join the dialogue and bring your questions for Louwrien.
As part of the presentation Artist and Chef Egon Hanfstingl will cook something special at the RE: Search:Gallery
Part of the research project Artistic Dialogue, a collaboration
of NP3, Frank Mohr Institute and the research group Image in Context